je t'en tamponne surtout et pour rien

Performance-rencontre, meeting-performance
de l'autre côté de l'atlantique
Saturday, April 14, 2:00pm - 8:00pm
Lumen 8 Anacostiafestival, Old Police Warehouse Back Lot, Washinghton DC
part of Small is more, snapshots of belgian performing arts

Lise Duclaux interacts with menbers of the audience or passers-by, and offers them the chance to stamp poetic tags on a medium of their choice. The artist and the “stamped person” sign a register, leaving both with a receipt of this peculiar exchange. The humorous performance will questions the world of office administration and introduces poetic forms of communication to what is usually a dull topic.

Interview by Alliance Française: Not Just Another Day at the Office, on Apr 10, 2012

registre des tamponnés from n°000175 to n°000200 and from n°000251 to n°000254 stamps on laptop, right and left arms, business card, banknote 5$ and 1$,  Jazzfestival Anacostiariver card, Nationalgeographic press-pass, diary - date of taxes and other dates, menu from mama's kitchen, bag, notebook, Tshirt,  neck, book, slide, small is more card, wrists, wallet (business card holder), left collar bone, usa flag camera, working notebook, jam journal.