les errantes naturelles

Sunday, November 17th, 2019

les errantes naturelles
rue du Palais 1, Liège

art au centre - Commissaire : Anna Ozanne

à propos de quelques êtres vivant dans les interstices
nos compagnons discrets et spontanés du coin



rue du Palais 1, Liège



trouble dans l'allée des raisins

Friday, November 15th, 2019

Trouble Festival #10 / Redux
4-5 mai 2019, Bruxelles

promenade de pas de porte, performance

les cosmopolites, les eurasiennes, les hermaphrodites, les bisexués, les montagnards et montagnardes au pays plat en bas des coteaux

la vergerette, robert le géranium, la ruine de rome, le tussilage, l’oxalis corniculé, l’arbre à papillon, le saule marsault, l'érable plane, le sapin, le sénéçon sud africain


promenade de pas de porte - paris

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Carte blanche à Antoine Pickels  - TROUBLE
Kubra Khademi /Lise Duclaux /Claude Cattelain / Ophélie Mac
Trouble Festival #10 / Redux, centre Wallonie Bruxelles Paris

promenade de pas de porte, performance

les cosmopolites: la vergerette, la mercuriale foireuse, robert le géranium et la ruine de rome, le pissenlit et l'oxalis corniculé, l'arbre à papillon et le saule marsault

l'invasion de l'arbre du ciel

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

l'invasion de l'arbre du ciel
performance LMNO galerie, 8 novembre 2018, bruxelles
vernissage de l'exposition little plants in the crannied sidewalk

quelques mots on été empruntés à Emanuele Coccia, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Ursula K. Le Guin

fragments vidéo

little plants in the crannied sidewalk

Friday, November 30th, 2018

little plants in the crannied sidewalk
12-11 / 22-12-2018
Thursday - Saturday, 2 - 6 pm and by appointment
LMNO, rue de la concorde 31, 1050 Bruxelles

photo Philippe Degobert

empress tree (alien,cosmopolitan garden plant), paulownia tomentosa, paulownia,
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink on paper, 2018


poor mans pepper (alien, cosmopolitan, invasive), lepidium campestre, bourse-de-Judas, passerage champêtre
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink on paper, 2018








space garbage present and futur, 29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink jet print and ink on paper, 2018





tree of life as new-york city
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink jet print and ink on paper, 2018




goldenrod and poison ivy with garbage (native, cosmopolitan), solidago Canadensis, verge d’or
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink and paint on paper, 2018



the freedom of weeds

Saturday, August 18th, 2018

LAM - Landscape Architecture Magazine #18
126-135 The Freedom of Weeds - The artist Lise Duclaux’s Brooklyn exhibit has deep roots. By Tom Stoelker

Link pdf: The Freedom of Weeds - Landscape Architecture Magazine #18 - USA, 2018


Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

intervention in public space on "I'm your new tree tags" hanging on newly planted street trees
from 23 to 26 June 2018 in New-York City

orange sticker 8,2 x 6,2 cm - 200 copies

the tree of heaven's walk

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

the tree of heaven's walk
and the tree of heaven come up pure gold in the crack of cement poured over utopia
from March 17 to April 14, 2018, New-York city, Capital of garbage

Map 68,6 x 88,4 cm, tape, pigment ink, gold paint on paper


Who’s afraid of invasive plants? Aliens among us, performance lecture, 15 May, ISCP, NYC

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

Who’s afraid of invasive plants? Aliens among us - artist at work, ISCP, 15 May 2018, NYC
a poetic-scientific performance lecture about plants living in the cracks of sidewalks, interstices, rubble, parking and vacant lots in New York City

artist at work ISCP- NYC - link facebook Now live!

who's afraid of invasive plants? aliens among us

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

who's afraid of invasive plants? aliens among us
wall painting, ISCP studio, New-York, April 2018
Some words have been borrowed from Emanuele Coccia, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Ursula K. Le Guin