little plants in the crannied sidewalk

little plants in the crannied sidewalk
12-11 / 22-12-2018
Thursday - Saturday, 2 - 6 pm and by appointment
LMNO, rue de la concorde 31, 1050 Bruxelles

photo Philippe Degobert

empress tree (alien,cosmopolitan garden plant), paulownia tomentosa, paulownia,
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink on paper, 2018


poor mans pepper (alien, cosmopolitan, invasive), lepidium campestre, bourse-de-Judas, passerage champêtre
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink on paper, 2018








space garbage present and futur, 29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink jet print and ink on paper, 2018





tree of life as new-york city
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink jet print and ink on paper, 2018




goldenrod and poison ivy with garbage (native, cosmopolitan), solidago Canadensis, verge d’or
29.5 × 14.5 cm, ink and paint on paper, 2018