B-Sides & Rarities

Dear lokaal 01

In 2004 I start to collect images from 2 french daily newspaper (le monde and liberation), images where people have faces covered and only eyes appear. Their face hidden for protection, for being not indentify, for cultural purpose, for religious conviction.... Images of policeman, terrorist, demonstrater, woman, touareg.....

As images are printed on daily newspaper, they become public, the person on the pictures is anonymous and will be forever.

When there is an images with a person with a mask, a veil, a hood....I keep the page and put it in a boxe. At the beginning i was cutting the images and quickly i put the complete pages of the news paper into the boxe. Yesterday i discover an image stick in an old notebook the first i collect before 2004, this images is in attachement. it’s an image from  the beginning of the war in kosovo i guess....there is no date just a sentence say that’s it’s happened last week at the border between serbia and kosovo.

Someday, do I’ll we do an art piece with this images? surely, I don’t know exactly what I would do to with, a book, a wall over? I continued to collect them, i look into the boxe when i put some new one. But i never find time to look at all of them, classified them, pin up on the wall, stik them on a book, or photograph them.


Extra City
Kunsthal Antwerpen
Tulpstraat 79, BE-2060 Antwerp

Project Room
Guest project Lokaal01

19 June – 11 July 2010
Opening Friday 18 June at 19:00

B-Sides & Rarities is a project by Lokaal01_Breda on the tension between unrealized and unrealizable art projects. The project took place in the Autumn of 2009, lasted for more than three months, and resulted in various fascinating contributions from more than sixty artists. All of these works were later collected in a publication which will be on display in Extra City. B-Sides & Rarities explores freedom, creativity, playfulness, inventiveness, weightiness and seriousness, but above all the authenticity of the artist, a question with which the public generally isn’t confronted.
