les errantes naturelles

Bienvenue - welcome
Le Samedi 17.09 à 11h au WIELS
à lire à la loupe et moi même présentons mon livre
les errantes naturelles
en compagnie de Livia Cahn antropologue

(durée 50 min)
Dialogue between the artist and the anthropologist Livia Cahn
Livia Cahn is attached to the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität of Munich. Trained in urban anthropology at the University of Cambridge and at the EHESS in Paris, Livia Cahn explores the possibilities offered by ethnography to study different "cultures of nature". She works in interdisciplinary collaborative contexts as a researcher, activist and gardener on urban ecology, interspecies relations and living soil.

WIELS Art Book Fair 2022
Je serais présente le samedi et le dimanche
I will be present on Saturday and Sunday

Saturday 17.09, 11:00-21:00
Sunday 18.09, 11:00-18:00
Free entrance
Avenue van volxem 354, 1190 BXL